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Classmates In Michigan: 90
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Jeff Amato
Tina Anargyros (Hofmann)
Shalene Baker (Pope)
Jennifer Baroni (Sparks)
Kimberly Bercel (Tomatti)
Jason Boron
Pam Borowski (Lillie)
Deanna Bothwell (Mullins)
Jaymie Bradley (Lovelace)
Susan Brooks (Brooks)
Christine Brotherton (Flott)
Craig Brown
Jason Burroughs
Marty Butkovich
Bryan J Cicchini
Erika Cole (Smith)
Paul Collins
Eric Corbin
Melanie Corfield (Beltran)
Christi Cunningham (Sobek)
Eric Dietlin
Coralyn Eddy (Dodge)
Stacey Evans (Burroughs)
Kim Finley (Pioch)
Steve Finn
Cheryl Fiorani (Rinke)
Larry Foltran
Rachel Frost (Verseput)
Shelly Gardner (Campbell)
Sue Gliniecki
Carol Golanski (Kolk)
Eric Guty
Jamie Heidelberg (Griffith)
Heather Hellebuyck (Smith)
Scott Ingram
Greg Johnson
Brian Kinzer
Terese LaRaia (Cutajar)
Jackie Lewicki (Long)
James Maceroni
Scott Mann
Kristine Martin (Kownacki)
Mark Mazuro
Sheri Melms (DeKam)
Dave Messing
Judy Middleton (Secord)
Tim Miller
Jim Mitchell
Catherine Moroschan
Jim Mularczyk
Brian Oliver
Curt Pallister
Kristin Pallister (Durand)
Michelle Paradise
Yolanda Payne (Combs)
Fara Pernice (Hitchcock)
Becky Perzanowski (Locke)
Joe Petack
Frank Pierce
Justin Racz
Claire Reinhardt (Liepman)
Russell Rinke
Stephen Roberts
Darcy Rohloff (Mackenzie)
Kirsten Sapelak (Bentley)
Amber Sasseen (DeClaire)
Greg Schocke
Ken Schraudt
Charles Sellers
Elena Shafer (Bisbee)
Tom Shilakes
Heather Sindelar (Whiteman)
Chris Smith
Kristen Souter (Trottier)
Dan Spinek
Charles Stout
Anne Stricker (Capling)
Steve Ternes
Ben Thompson
Jeff Torvinen
Scott Trbovich
Mary Trott (Raska)
Corrie Vikstrom (Fogle)
Nakia Webb
Mandy Weber (Gajewski)
Shannon Weinmann (Cochrane)
Nicole Wilson (Dahn)
Rick Youngblood
Brian Zelinski
Carrie Zuziak